Our project partners, the German Federal Instiute for Risk Assessment (BFR) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), have published a paper on the “Applicability of organ-on-chip systems in toxicology and pharmacology”. The relative complexity of Organ-on-chip (OoC) over simple in vitro assays provides advantages and disadvantages in the context of compound testing. The broader biological domain of OoC potentially enhances their predictive value, whereas their complexity present issues with throughput, standardization and transferability. Using OoCs for regulatory purposes requires detailed and standardized protocols, providing reproducible results in an interlaboratory setting. The focus of applying OoCs in safety assessment is currently directed to characterization (the biology represented in the test) and qualification (the performance of the test). To this aim, OoCs are evaluated on a limited scale, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, with restricted sets of reference substances. Read more. M. R. Schneider, M. Oelgeschlaeger, T. Burgdorf, P. van Meer, P. Theunissen, A. S. Kienhuis, A. H. Piersma, R. J. Vandebriel. Applicability of organ-on-chip systems in toxicology and pharmacology. Publication: Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408444.2021.1953439 |
New Paper Published on Applicability of organ-on-chip systems in toxicology and pharmacology