EUROoC M38 Meeting and Career Coaching Sessions

On 24 and 25 January 2022, the EUROoC-ITN met again for the biannual consortium meeting. The ESRs presented their progress and explained what the last few steps of their project would be. They also presented how collaborations with each other enabled better development of their systems.

With the end of their projects approaching, they had the chance to learn more about the different career paths available to them thanks to Q&A sessions with professionals from regulatory agencies (Frank Schulze from BfR and Susanne Brendler-Schwaab from BfArM), technology developing industries (Roland Thar from PyroScience) and pharmaceutical industries (Stefan Kauschke from Boehringer Ingelheim, Jean-Marc Balloul and Cecile Zaupa from Transgene, Christian Egler-Wedeking from Miltenyi).
They learnt what each different career path entails, from the demands and requirements, as well as benefits of each role. We hope that the session could help them in choosing the career path that best fits their goals.